Thursday, June 24, 2010

Forex Tips

Forex Tips – 3 Simple Ones to Increase your Gains Dramatically!

These tips don’t take long to do and can be implemented in any forex trading strategy and they will cut risk and increase profits so lets look at these 3 simple forex tips in more detail.

Tip 1
Cut Your Trading Frequency
Most traders simply trade too much - they think the more they trade the more chance they will have of making money. Others think if there not in the market they may miss a move and finally, they try trading intra-day which is simply never gong to work.
In forex trading you don’t get rewarded for how often you trade - you earn your money for being RIGHT – That’s the only criteria to judge your trading performance on and most traders forget this

Consider this:
Trading is a game of odds and the really good risk/reward trades simply don’t come around that often and in forex trading you should only concentrate on them.
To give you an example of how powerful cutting your trading can - I know several traders who trade only a few times a year and clear 100 – 200% in profits!
If you cut your trading frequency down, you can then add in the next tip to make huge gains.

Tip 2
Risk More
You will hear a lot of Forex traders tell you that you should risk no more than 2% per trade – RUBBISH!
If you are trading a small account you will never make any money doing this.
Let’s say you are trading $10,000 - 2% is just $200!
Well, if you consider risk goes with reward, you are not likely to make much risking that. Don’t forget the fact you risk 2% on low odds trades, give you less chance of success than if you risk 20% on a good high odds trade.
Many people think their taking low risks - but in reality they are setting themselves up to lose longer term.
Risk is related to the odds not how much you risk.
Keep in mind you are taking a calculated risk at the right time and risking more, is simply the only way you will win big. So how much should you risk of your account size? As rule of thumb do 10 – 20% of your total account.

Tip 3
One At a Time
Diversification is another buzz word that is supposed to restrict risk - but if you spread your trades around, you simply dilute your profit potential. Don’t fall into this trap.
Pick the best trade you have and load it up with as much as you can afford and hit it hard.
You are probably thinking that the above is not commonly accepted wisdom and that’s correct – but keep in mind the majority make no real money, so being in the minority is no bad thing here!
Today, there are many who will tell you that you can trade forex with low risk – no you can’t. If you restrict risk to much you have no chance of winning. It’s an investment fact:
The bigger the risk the bigger the reward.
If you learn to take calculated risks when the odds are in your favor you can pile up huge gains longer term and that’s what most people want from forex trading.
Finally, the above is very time effective: You are trading only great high odds trades so you are not trading everyday or monitoring levels constantly 15 – 30 minutes are all you need to build huge profits!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Arbitrage Currency Trading

Arbitrage Currency Trading - Forex Arbitrage As a Strategy of Forex Trading:

Forex trading involves the buying and selling of foreign exchange for the sake of earning monetary benefits and since it is a commercial exercise conducted with the intention of maximizing profits, it is carried out in accordance with certain strategies. A strategy refers to the plan of action which is followed by the forex traders while indulging in trade and while all traders share the same objective of earning lucrative financial rewards, the strategies which they implement are dependent on their individual preferences and hence are reflective of their style of trading. Forex arbitrage is one such strategy which is followed by a small segment of forex traders since it is more complicated and therefore intimidating as compared to the other strategies.

As a strategy, forex arbitrage is based on the principle of buying a currency a currency in one market and selling it in another without actually adding anything to its value. Therefore, this strategy is based on the inherent inefficiency of certain currencies due to which there exists a difference in their value for a short period of time. However, the forex trader who is interested in indulging in forex arbitrage for earning profits might as well remember that such an anomaly exists only temporarily as the value of the currency undergoes self correction over a period of time due to the nature of the market. Hence, a trader who wishes to reap rewards from such a situation not only needs to be alert for such trends but also needs to act fast and make quick decisions due its transient nature.

In order to be able to identify the existence of forex arbitrage, traders often make use of the arbitrage calculators and real time pricing quotes but in spite of these tools, the actual requisite which makes all the difference is the reaction time of the trader. It is due to this complicated nature of forex arbitrage that traders are recommended to invest only a small percentage of their total portfolio in this strategy and at a point of time when they have mastered this complicated technique.

Forex arbitrage opportunities are normally of two types namely either using multiple trading accounts or alternatively using three currencies and due to its nature, it is one of few forex related concepts which preferably should be manually handled rather than through a software package.

Currency Exchange Forex

Currency Exchange Forex - Learn Online Currency Exchange Forex Trading the Easy way:

Forex trading is one of the biggest industries right now and more and more people are getting into it. As with all things involving money, you wouldn't want to just enter anything without having any prior knowledge about it.

This is very true when it comes to forex trading where if you make a simple mistake, it could cost you the money you've put as capital. Thing is, the Forex market is a very technical and complex arena. So knowledge about how things work within it is required if you want to be successful and to minimize the chance of losing money.

So before you start trading, consider getting an online forex trading education where you can learn all the aspects of trading in the forex market.

Why an Online Forex Trading Education? Let's face it, most of us, the people who want to try their hand at Forex, are leading very busy lives. No one really has enough time for anything these days and even more so to attend a Forex class physically.

An Online forex online trading would let you do the studying in your own time. That way, when you're done with everything else, you can just sit down and start studying without having to rush because you've got other things to do.

Also, being able to do it at your own time would let you digest the lessons better. Remember, when you are relaxed your mind functions more efficiently and that is something very applicable to learning Forex.

The basic information about Forex can be found online for free. However, if you want something more advanced these can also be found online and are comparatively cheap when compared to actually attending a seminar or a trading course.